





1.1. Disable Swapping
Swapping is an operating system feature that optimizes memory usage when running multiple processes. However, memory is a critical component of the VoltDB server process. Any contention for memory, including swapping, will have a very negative impact on performance and functionality.

We recommend using dedicated servers and disabling swapping when running the VoltDB database server process. Use the swapoff command to disable swapping on Linux systems. If swapping cannot be disabled for any reason, you can reduce the likelihood of VoltDB being swapped out by setting the kernel parameter vm.swappiness to zero.

1.2. Turn off TCP segmentation offload and generic receive offload if cluster stability is a problem.
There is an issue where, under certain conditions, the use of TCP segmentation offload (TSO) and generic receive offload (GRO) can cause nodes to randomly drop out of a cluster. The symptoms of this problem are that nodes timeout — that is, the rest of the cluster thinks they have failed — although the node is still running and no other network issues (such as a network partition) are the cause.

Disabling TSO and GRO is recommended for any VoltDB clusters that experience such instability. The commands to disable offloading are the following, where N is replaced by the number of the ethernet card:

ethtool -K eth<span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span> tso off
ethtool -K eth<span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span> gro off

Note that these commands disable offloading temporarily. You must issue these commands every time the node reboots.



1.2. Turn off TCP segmentation offload and generic receive offload if cluster stability is a problem.
There is an issue where, under certain conditions, the use of TCP segmentation offload (TSO) and generic receive offload (GRO) can cause nodes to randomly drop out of a cluster. The symptoms of this problem are that nodes timeout — that is, the rest of the cluster thinks they have failed — although the node is still running and no other network issues (such as a network partition) are the cause.

Disabling TSO and GRO is recommended for any VoltDB clusters that experience such instability. The commands to disable offloading are the following, where N is replaced by the number of the ethernet card:

ethtool -K eth<span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span> tso off
ethtool -K eth<span class="emphasis"><em>N</em></span> gro off

Note that these commands disable offloading temporarily. You must issue these commands every time the node reboots.


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